If you worked in the software business before, you will know that there are two types of application to be built :
- Stuffed type of applications, where every thing is mixed with every thing !
- Dip based type of applications, where you select your favorite souse and you have the choice to change the flavor !
What I meant here that the traditional way of looking to an application as an one whole application in no more valid, especially if you are taking your business to the cloud.
The design of applications should start with the services and then later the user authentic, where it may be a web application, a desktop application or even and mobile application well come later.
Here where API's comes in place, and API is just a mean for exposing your services in manner that are consumable by your clients (or others), where API's as quoted from 3scale.com
"APIs have the power to unlock your assets and enable you to expand beyond your website and to make your data, content or services ubiquitous".
API normally gives you another dimension that you may never think'd about (if its exposed), it give the potential for other to enhance, mash, extend or even innovate using your API for use cases where it's now an outside-in process vs. inside-out one especially for innovation.
Thats good so far but API's comes with cost also, you have to think of your business as services in early stages and you have to take the time to build the services in an exposable and consumable manner, since as you know trying to take the "Cheese" from a stuffed curst pizza is not an easy manner :-)
The final thing please, think about the crowd and the cloud and go for Restful type of interfaces and you will never regret it.
Find also below links for a set of books that you must have if you want to be in the business of API's :-)
- Practical API Design Practical API Design: Confessions of a Java Framework Architect
- Service Oriented Architecture Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): A Planning and Implementation Guide for Business and Technology
- Business of API's Business of APIs (Volume 1)
Appreciate your kind comments and feedback.
Cheers !
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